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Attractive Landscapes of the Eastern Region
Attractive Landscapes
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The most impressive aspect for visitors in the Desembarco del Granma National Park, extended along 27 545 hectares of land and sea, is the system of sea calcareous terraces unmatched in the territory of the country.

Well-preserved cliffs and ragged slopes of a high esthetic value are closely related to a divers fauna; whose most outstanding elements for their beauty are birds and butterflies.

In Punta del Inglés, to the southeast, visitors will find the rare nests of the Rabijunco (Phaeton Lepturus), a beautiful sea bird. The region also has a large system of caverns where the most interesting ones are Hoyo de Morlote (52 meters of diameter and 77 of depth) and the Cave of Fustete.

Sierra de Nipe is one of the richest areas in endemic scenes, while the abundance of Pine trees and forests of latifoliates, semideciduos and rain forests characterize Sierra de Cristal. More than 100 species of plants that are exclusive of this territory have been reported in the Reserve of the Biosphere Cuchillas del Toa (located in the mountainous region of Sagua- Baracoa), last place of habitat of the Royal Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis bairdii) where we can also see almiques (Soledonon cubanus).

Furthermore, there is in the area one of the most beautiful species of land snails that exist in the world: The colorful Polymita. The Reserve of the Biosphere of Cuchillas del Toa comprises, at the same time, four natural reserves: El Toldo, which is named after highest peak of Sierra de Moa (1 175 meters above sea level); Cupeyal del Norte; Jaguaní; and Duaba-Yunque de Baracoa, a symbol of the Prime City of Cuba and considered and ecological island.

The east end of the largest of the Antilles, Maisí, also offers an impressive landscape where the existence of 24 levels of sea terraces arranged at intervals has been detected. Besides that, its vegetation near the coasts is one of the most notable ones in the country.

Sierra del Turquino is the most important mountainous region in the island since it includes the main hills: Pico Real (1 974 meters above sea level), Pico Suecia (1 872) and Pico Cuba (1 872). At the same time, it is the only place of the geography of Cuba with sub-moors where the altitudinal floors are better represented. It also has the largest variety of ecosystems and its flora and fauna show a high level of endemism.

The eastern part of Sierra Maestra stands out for its Reserve of the Biosphere of Baconao, which has its highest point in La Gran Piedra (1 225 meters high) and constitutes a natural lookout. There is here three well marked biogeographic zones: the Santiago plateau, Sierra de la Gran Piedra and the high plain of Santa María del Loreto. The ornithofauna and flora are very diversified in this natural scenario, enriched in the last few years with the attractive proposals of Baconao Park.
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