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Attractive Landscapes of the Western Region
Attractive Landscapes
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The western portion of the country has one of the most unique and beautiful landscapes: The Valley of Viñales, which is characterized by the abundant existence of mogotes, impressive mountains of vertical sides and flat tops that at the same time contain a high endemism of flora and fauna.

There are also in its surroundings great systems of caves of unique beauty, including Palmarito; which has 30 kilometers of galleries. The reserve of the Biosphere located in Peninsula de Guanahacabibes has notable biogeographical and landscape values, on land and also at sea. On the other hand, the Reserve of the Biosphere of Sierra del Rosario (both of them are located in Pinar del Río) is distinguished by the richness of its flora and fauna and also by the presence of a mesophytic forests with heights that are sometimes over 30 meters.

In this very region, you will find scenes that are very appropriate for nature tourism like Mil Cumbres and Pan de Guajaibón (the highest peak in the west of Cuba with 692 meters above sea level). You will be able to enjoy here the great diversity of landscapes, the richness and endemism of its flora and fauna and a perfect place for the observation of birds.

There is in the Province of Havana a place known as Sierra de los Camarones which contains a particularly interesting element: its north boundary is a large calcareous wall of an enormous geological and scenic value. It also has caverns, a deposit of fossils and plants, among which three are endemic.

In Las Clavellinas, a hilly surface that lies on serpentines, you will be able to see one of the most beautiful and famous cactuses in the world, Mlocactus Matanzanus, as well as the Moacroton Revolutus.

The group of keys of Cinco Leguas is a place picked by flamingoes (Phoenicopterus Ruber) for their nests. The area contains a population of semideciduo forests, mangroves, an anthropic savanna and sandy coasts.

Ciénaga de Zapata (Zapata Swamps), recently declared a Reserve of the Biosphere, constitutes the most important humid soil in Cuba and the Antilles. More than 250 species of Cuban flora have been found here and it is also a rest place for migrant birds in the winter. This area also has an abundant population of Crocodylus Rhombifer, endemic of the island, and it treasures a great system of caverns with underwater caves (casimbas) that are ideal for the practice of speleodiving.
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