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Playa Blanca More destinations
Province Holguín

The city of Gibara, in the eastern Cuban province of Holguin, account with attractive for tourism linked to the history, the sun and the sea, converted into added value of those options that are based on the urban traditions. In the broad spectrum of ideal places to enjoy the waters that bathe the coasts of the archipelago highlighted the many beaches that complement to the city. ,

On the west coast of the bay of Gibara settled the city of the same name, on the eastern slope of a coastal lift top flattened, with coasts of high cliffs bordered by a Malecon, in which there are areas in the form of shells sandy beach as the Boqueron and the headlight. While, in the interior of the Rada are located spaces clean and nice including beach of Fencing, El Faro Beach, Playa Boqueron and the well-known Playa Blanca. ,

To access this last vacationers used the service of boats, which transferred to the concerned until the area is very white sands that precisely give the name to the place. Around the bay distinguish the elevations of the cerro de Yabazón (246 meters), Colorado (255 meters) and the Chair of Gibara (307 meters), which is the highest in the area and is recognized by its saddle shape. It was first described by Christopher Columbus in the logbook of his first journey, all belonging to the orographic group Maniabón. ,

This beach is inserted between two rocky promontories, in part closest to the entrance of the bay was located for a long time a beacon for aid to navigation, which was subsequently transferred to the other end on a promontory called Punta Rasa. The small spa area account for visitors with the facilities of the Villa Don Lino, in a natural environment where abound the coconut palms and plants of grapes coves. With comfortable cabins, and many recreational options for children and adults, is a pleasant place for enjoy with the family of a good holiday in the middle of the nature. In center combines the modernity of the satellite television and air-conditioned cabanas with the option to access horseback riding and excursions to nearby places of historical and cultural interest. To such effects, Don Lino has been made famous as the great little beach, because concentrated thousand charms in a tiny stretch of white sand, a kind of hidden gem accompanied by crystalline waters. ,

Precisely, the Villa Blanca of Gibara is also a place worthy to know, it retains the most important architectural whole urban province and ruins of great value as the Cuartelón and the battery of Fernando VII. In addition, this stream of Maíta, an archaeological site of the first magnitude and only museum of its kind in the Antilles, where it is locates a Taíno village, that recreates the way of life of the indians aruacas potters, is linked to the city of Banes, recognized as the archaeological capital of Cuba.

Hotels Attractions Restaurants Nightlife

Don Lino 3
Bariay Bay and its natural environment
Historic Sites
Bahía de Baray
Rafael Freyre. Holguín
Arenas Nuevas
Light Meals
Villa Don Lino
Rafael Freyre. Holguín
Cuban cuisine
Parque Nacional Cristóbal Colón, Cayo Bariay
Rafael Freyre. Holguín
El Ancla
Fish and seafood
Cayo Bariay
Rafael Freyre. Holguín
Las Carabelas de Colón
Fish and seafood
Cayo Bariay
Rafael Freyre. Holguín
Mar Azul
Buffet restaurant
Villa Don Lino
Rafael Freyre. Holguín
Arenas Nuevas
Villa Don Lino
Rafael Freyre. Holguín

Don Lino. Swimming Pool

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Don Lino. Swimming Pool Villa Don Lino. Beach Villa Don Lino. Beach Villa Don Lino. Beach Villa Don Lino. Bungalows Villa Don Lino. Cabins Villa Don Lino. Swimming Pool
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