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Matanzas More destinations
Province Matanzas

The province of Pinar del Rio, the most western of Cuba, gathers in its geography the conditions necessary to boost tourism, with emphasis on programs of nature that go from hiking to the spas of medicinal waters. The footprint of the first settlers of Cuba is located in the Guanahacabibes Peninsula, the western end of the island, and named by the tribes that once settled in this area, today converted into a reserve of the biosphere and safe haven for the most varied species of animals. ,

While, in the main city of the territory is located The Hotel Pinar del Rio, with more than 130 rooms equipped with all the necessary facilities for a pleasant stay, in addition to providing access to a wide network of museums, among other attractions. Buildings of past centuries are still erect, majestic, in their positions of the provincial capital, as are the cases of the cathedral, built in 1883, or the Theater José Jacinto Milanés, cultural center that dates from 1838 and built entirely of wood. ,

From the establishment there is easy access to natural sites of singular beauty, among them the Las Vegas of province - dedicated to the cultivation of aromatic sheet -, as well as the liqueur factory Guayabita del Pinar. The birth of this beverage dates back to the nineteenth century, prepared with a wild fruit that is found only in this territory and processed to give rise to two variants: dry and sweet. ,

In addition, the largest of the island cavernarias formations are located in the province, where in places like the Sierra of the organs are caves that cross the hummocks from side to side. The cavities of the mountainous formation contain important deposits of wealth from the point of view paleontological, with fossils of extinct pleistocénica fauna, some of them unique. Many of these caves are of fluvial origin, with overlapping paths that are systems truly impressive, as is the case of the so-called Santo Tomas, the largest of the island to count with some 45 kilometers of galleries explored. Among the leaders of the underground world of the island are located in the territory of the province other two colossi: groups Palmarito-Novillo (with 42 kilometers of extension) and Majagua-Canteras (35 kilometers). ,

Also, in the Valley of Viñales, vacationers is faced with the Indian Cave, rediscovered toward 1920 and famous for the discovery of human remains and objects of the former inhabitants of the territory, in addition to being an option for the excursions on the river that crosses it to appreciate the rock formations of its interior. ,

Closer to the capital, Soroa - also known as the rainbow of Cuba - presents a single image with a beautiful waterfall of 22 meters of height that constitutes an invitation to refresh at any time of year. The most famous attraction of this site is in the orchidarium, point forced to all the tourists that visit the province, with a few thousand 800 species of these flowers from all parts of the world.

Hotels Attractions Restaurants Nightlife

Canimao 2
Encanto Velasco 4
“Sauto” Theater
Calle Magdalena e/ Milanes y Medio, Plaza de La Vigía
Matanzas. Matanzas
Museo Mártires del Moncada "Dr. Mario Muñoz"
Calle Mario Muñoz No. 74
Colón. Matanzas
Bellamar Caves
Places of Interest
Carretera Cuevas de Bellamar
Matanzas. Matanzas
Museo Municipal de Calimete
Calle Colón No. 4
Calimete. Matanzas
Centro de Información y Estudio Ecuménico "Augusto Cotto"
Calle Rieche No. 7
Matanzas. Matanzas
Museo Municipal de Colón "José Ramón Zulueta"
Calle Martí No. 97 esq. a Gonzalo de Quesada
Colón. Matanzas
Cueva La Pluma
Matanzas. Matanzas
Museo Municipal de Jagüey Grande "Comandancia FAR"
Central Australia
Jagüey Grande. Matanzas
Galería de Arte Provincial
Art Galleries
Calle Magdalena No. 3 e/ Medio y Río, Plaza de la Vigía
Matanzas. Matanzas
Museo Municipal de Jovellanos "Domingo Mujica"
Calle 11 No. 1822 e/ 18 y 20
Jovellanos. Matanzas
Great Cave of Santa Catalina
Matanzas. Matanzas
Museo Municipal de Limonar
Calle Máximo Gómez No. 25
Limonar. Matanzas
House of Jose Jacinto Milanes
Calle Milanés e/ Jovellanos y Matanzas
Matanzas. Matanzas
Museo Municipal de Los Arabos "Clotilde García"
Calle Martí No. 51
Los Arabos. Matanzas
House of Miguel Failde Perez
Calle Velarde No. 95 e/ Manzaneda y Zaragoza
Matanzas. Matanzas
Museo Municipal de Martí "Hato Nuevo"
Calle Clotilde García No. 14 esq. a Julio Antonio Mella
Martí. Matanzas
Iglesia Bautista (Fraternidad de Iglesias Bautistas)
Churches-Places of Cult
Calle Medio esq. a Zaragoza
Matanzas. Matanzas
Museo Municipal de Pedro Betancourt "Gustavo González"
Calle 24 No. 1921
Pedro Betancourt. Matanzas
Iglesia Bautista de Cuba Occidental
Churches-Places of Cult
Calle Jerez No. 704
Cárdenas. Matanzas
Museo Municipal de Perico "Constantino Barrero"
Calle Martí No. 189
Perico. Matanzas
Iglesia de la Santísima Trinidad
Churches-Places of Cult
Calle Calzada No. 14 e/ Céspedes y Laborde
Cárdenas. Matanzas
Museo Municipal de Unión de Reyes "Juan Gualberto Gómez"
Calle Comandante Nestor Fajardo No. 7
Unión de Reyes. Matanzas
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad
Churches-Places of Cult
Calle 91 No. 31001 esq. a 310
Matanzas. Matanzas
Museo Provincial (Palacio de Junco)
Calle Milanés e/ Magdalena y Ayllón
Matanzas. Matanzas
Iglesia de San José
Churches-Places of Cult
Calle Carlos Manuel de Céspedes No. 20 e/ San José y Maceo, Manguito
Calimete. Matanzas
Museum on the Slave's Route
Castillo de San Severino, Matanzas
Matanzas. Matanzas
Iglesia de San Miguel Arcángel
Churches-Places of Cult
Ave. 16 No. 702 e/ 7ma. y 9na., San Miguel de los Baños
Jovellanos. Matanzas
Museum-House where Jose A. Echeverria was born
Calle Jenes No. 560 e/ Coronel Verdugo y Calzada
Cárdenas. Matanzas
Iglesia de San Pedro Apóstol
Churches-Places of Cult
Calle 55 No. 27006 e/ 270 y 278, Reparto Versalles
Matanzas. Matanzas
Palmar de Junco
Historic Sites
Calzada Esteban e/ Monserrate y San Ignacio, Rpto. Pueblo Nuevo
Matanzas. Matanzas
Iglesia Metodista
Churches-Places of Cult
Calle Manzano esq. a Zaragoza
Matanzas. Matanzas
Pharmaceutical Museum
Calle Milanés No. 4951 e/ Santa Teresa y Ayuntamiento
Matanzas. Matanzas
Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada
Churches-Places of Cult
Calle Milanés esq. a 2 de Mayo
Matanzas. Matanzas
Plaza de Colon
Historic Sites
Calle Céspedes e/ Princesa y Aranguren
Cárdenas. Matanzas
Jorajuria Key
Coata Norte de Matanzas
Martí. Matanzas
San Severino Castle
Places of Interest
Carretera del Puerto, Zona Franca
Matanzas. Matanzas
La Dominica Building
Calle Princesa, No. 1-3-5, esq. a Céspedes
Cárdenas. Matanzas
Santa Iglesia Catedral San Carlos Borromeo
Churches-Places of Cult
Calle 286 No. 8304 e/ 83 y 85
Matanzas. Matanzas
La Vigia Plaza
Urban Historic Centers
Calle Magdalena e/ Milanés y Río
Matanzas. Matanzas
Santa Victoria Cave
Pedro Betancourt. Matanzas
Memorial Caimito del Hanábana
Historic Sites
Poblado de Amarillas
Calimete. Matanzas
Second Plaza de Armas and its buildings
Calle Ayuntamiento e/ Milanés y Contreras, Reparto Matanzas
Matanzas. Matanzas
Memorial-Museum “El Morrillo”
Km. 1 ½, Canimar
Matanzas. Matanzas
Seminario Teológico de Matanzas
Places of Interest
Calle 2 de Mayo Final
Matanzas. Matanzas
Monumento a la Rebelión de los Esclavos
Antiguo Ingenio Triunvirato, carretera Cidra-Triunvirato-Guanábana
Limonar. Matanzas
Simpson Cave
Municipal Museum “Oscar María de Rojas”
Calzada No. 4 e/ José A. Echeverría y José Martí
Cárdenas. Matanzas
The Melody Cave, Bellamar Cave Complex
Sistema Cavernario Bellamar
Matanzas. Matanzas
Museo de Arte de Matanzas
Calle Contreras No. 36 e/ Jovellanos y Matanzas
Matanzas. Matanzas
Yumurí Valley
Valle de Yumurí
Matanzas. Matanzas
Museo de los Bomberos
Plaza de la Vigía, Matanzas
Matanzas. Matanzas
Guamajales Farm
Majagua. Ciego de Avila
Café Atenas
Light Meals
Plaza de la Vigía
Matanzas. Matanzas
El Marino
Fish and seafood
Carretera Vía Blanca km. 4 ½, Rpto. Canímar
Matanzas. Matanzas
Mirador de Bacunayagua
International cuisine
Vía Blanca Km. 18, Puente Bacunayagua
Matanzas. Matanzas
Cubanitas Cárdenas
Light Meals
Calle Calzada y Ruíz
Cárdenas. Matanzas
Fuerte Rojas
Light Meals
Calle Real Final
Cárdenas. Matanzas
Rancho Gaviota
Cuban cuisine
Carretera Corral Nuevo, Valle del Yumurí
Matanzas. Matanzas
El Bahía
Cuban cuisine
Carretera Vía Blanca a Varadero Km. 1, Peñas Altas
Matanzas. Matanzas
Las Cuevas de Bellamar
Cuban cuisine
Carretera Cuevas de Bellamar
Matanzas. Matanzas
Light Meals
Calle Contreras e/ Ayuntamiento y Santa Teresa
Matanzas. Matanzas
Calle Sáez No. 767 e/ Minerva y Mercedes
Cárdenas. Matanzas
Cueva de Saturno
Snack bar
Carretera Aeropuerto de Varadero
Cárdenas. Matanzas
La Estalactita
Snack bar
Finca La Alcancía
Matanzas. Matanzas
Café Atenas
Snack bar
Calle Manzaneda esq. a Milanés
Matanzas. Matanzas
El Barracón
Snack bar
Calle Luis Cuní
Matanzas. Matanzas
Paso de Carretera Turoasis
Snack bar
Vía Blanca km. 18
Matanzas. Matanzas
Café Espriu
Snack bar
Calle Coronel Verdugo No. 105 e/ Vives y Génez
Cárdenas. Matanzas
El Jagüey
Calle Luis Cuní, Viaducto Habana-Varadero
Matanzas. Matanzas
Real y 22
Snack bar
Calle Real y 22
Matanzas. Matanzas
Hotel Canimao
Matanzas. Matanzas
Snack bar
Cárdenas. Matanzas
Ruinas de Matasiete
Calle Luis Cuní, Viaducto Habana-Varadero
Matanzas. Matanzas
Centro Recreativo Arechabala
Snack bar
Calle Sáez No. 767 e/ Minerva y Mercedes
Cárdenas. Matanzas
Ingenio Triunvirato
Snack bar
Carretera Cidra-Triunvirato-Guanábana
Limonar. Matanzas
Tropicana Matanzas
Autopista Varadero km. 4 1/2
Matanzas. Matanzas

Canímar River, Matanzas

Choose a small photo to enlarge:
Canímar River, Matanzas Calixto García Bridge, Matanzas Monument to Mambises, Matanzas Palace of Justice, Matanzas Typical façade of buildings in Matanzas City of Matanzas Cathedral in the city of Matanzas Fire Station in the city of Matanzas Bus Depot, city of Matanzas Sauto Theater, Matanzas City of Matanzas Indigenous Fish-Raising Farm Handicraft market, Matanzas Bridge over San Juan River, Matanzas City of Matanzas
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