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Showing: Places of Interest

Casa Garay
Places of Interest
Calle Isabel Rubio No. 189 e/ Ceferino Fernández y Frank País. Pinar del Río
Phone:(53 82) 75-2966

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Valle's Palace
Places of Interest
Calle 0 No. 3501, Punta Gorda. Cienfuegos
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Fábrica de Tabacos "Francisco Donatién"
Places of Interest
Calle Maceo No. 157 Oeste. Pinar del Río
Phone:(53 82) 75-3424

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Cabildo de los Congos Reales o de San Antonio
Places of Interest
Calle Isidro Armenteros No. 168. Trinidad. Sancti Spiritus
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Guasch Palace
Places of Interest
Calle Martí e/ Comandante Pinares y Hermanos Saíz. Pinar del Río
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Casa de la Cultura Trinitaria
Places of Interest
Calle Francisco J. Zerquera No. 406. Trinidad. Sancti Spiritus
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Prehistoric Mural
Places of Interest
Valle de Viñales. Viñales. Pinar del Río
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Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria (Ermita de la Popa)
Places of Interest
Trinidad. Trinidad. Sancti Spiritus
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"José Martí" Revolution Square
Places of Interest
Calle Paseo. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana
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Iglesia y Convento de San Francisco de Paula
Places of Interest
Calle Fernando Hernández esq. a Piro Guinart. Trinidad. Sancti Spiritus
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“Santa Clara de Asis” Convent & Church
Places of Interest
Calle Cuba No. 602 e/ Luz y Sol. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Santa Ana Church and Square
Places of Interest
Trinidad. Trinidad. Sancti Spiritus
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Alameda de Paula Promenade
Places of Interest
Alameda de Paula. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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La Rosa de los Chinos (The Rose of the Chinese)
Places of Interest
. Bolivia. Ciego de Avila
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Aldama Palace
Places of Interest
calles Amistad, Reina, Aguila y Enrique Barnet. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Birthplace of Nicolás Guillén
Places of Interest
Calle Hermanos Agüero No. 58. Camagüey
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Aquarium of Old Havana
Places of Interest
Calle Teniente Rey No. 9 e/ Oficios y Mercaderes. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
Phone:(53 7) 863-9493

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Conjunto Monumentario "Ignacio Agramonte"
Places of Interest
Plaza de la Revolución. Camagüey
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Archaeological Park
Places of Interest
. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Hospital de San Juan de Dios
Places of Interest
Plaza San Juan de Dios. Camagüey
Phone:(53 32) 29-1318

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Art Schools
Places of Interest
Reparto Cubanacán. Playa. La Habana
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Residence of Claudio Aguilar
Places of Interest
Calle Vicente García s/n e/ Francisco Varona y Francisco Vega. Las Tunas
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Bacardi Building
Places of Interest
Calle Monserrate y San Juan de Dios. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Gibara "Unión Club" Colonial Theatre
Places of Interest
Calle Sartorio No. 5 e/ Peralta y Luz Caballero. Gibara. Holguín
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Bacuranao Tower
Places of Interest
Playa de Bacuranao. La Habana del Este. La Habana
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Lyceum Society
Places of Interest
Calle Maceo No. 178 e/ Frexes y Martí. Holguín
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Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi
Places of Interest
Calle Oficios e/ Amargura y Churruca. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
Phone:(53 7) 862-9683

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Mansion of the Moyuas
Places of Interest
Calle Libertad No. 148 e/ Martí y Luz Caballero. Holguín
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Bosque de La Habana
Places of Interest
Río Almendares. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana
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Residence of Sánchez Manduley
Places of Interest
Calle Capdevila No. 10 e/ Manduley y 1. Holguín
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Callejón de Hammel
Places of Interest
Calle Plasencia e/ Concordia y San Lázaro. Centro Habana. La Habana
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San Juan de Dios Charity Hospital
Places of Interest
Calle Manduley e/ Coliseo y Desamparados. Holguín
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Castillo de los Tres Reyes del Morro (Castle of the Three Kings of El Morro)
Places of Interest
Ribera este del canal de entrada a la bahía de La Habana. La Habana del Este. La Habana
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Sierra de los Farallones de Gran Tierra de Moa
Places of Interest
Moa. Moa. Holguín
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Cathedral Square
Places of Interest
Calle Empedrado y San Ignacio. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Spanish Casino
Places of Interest
Calle Luz Caballero No. 22 e/ General Soriano e Independencia. Gibara. Holguín
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Central Railroad Station
Places of Interest
Calle Egido y Arsenal. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Velasco Cultural Centre
Places of Interest
Ave. 26 de Julio y Carretera de Chaparra. Gibara. Holguín
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Centro Gallego-Great Theater of Havana
Places of Interest
Paseo del Prado e/ San Rafael y San José. Centro Habana. La Habana
Phone:(53 7) 861-3078

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Architectural Complex of the Plaza del Himno (Anthem Square)
Places of Interest
Ciudad de Bayamo. Bayamo. Granma
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Cojimar Fort
Places of Interest
Malecón e/ Marcos y Victoria, Cojímar. La Habana del Este. La Habana
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Casa de la Nacionalidad Cubana
Places of Interest
Plaza del Himno No. 36 e/ Antonio Maceo y Padre Batista. Bayamo. Granma
Phone:(53 23) 42-4833

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De la Real Fuerza Castle
Places of Interest
Calle O´Reilly No. 2 e/ Ave. del Puerto y Tacón. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
Phone:(53 7) 861-6130

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Cupaynicú Botanical Garden
Places of Interest
Guisa. Guisa. Granma
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Ecological Reserve “La Coca”
Places of Interest
Campo Florida. La Habana del Este. La Habana
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Acuario Baconao
Places of Interest
Carretera Baconao km 27 1/2. Santiago de Cuba
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El Templete
Places of Interest
Calle Baratillo e/ O´Reilly y Enna, Plaza de Armas. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Alameda Clock-Tower
Places of Interest
Ave. Jesús Menéndez y Aguilera. Santiago de Cuba
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Places of Interest
Carretera del Rocío km. 3, Calabazar. Arroyo Naranjo. La Habana
Phone:(53 7) 44-6251

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Bacardí Rum Company
Places of Interest
Calle Peralejo No. 3 e/ Gonzalo Quesada y Narciso López. Santiago de Cuba
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Generals of the Army Palace
Places of Interest
Calle Tacón e/ Obispo y O´Reilly. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Baconao Park
Places of Interest
Carretera de Baconao. Santiago de Cuba
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Havana Customs House
Places of Interest
Calle San Pedro. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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College of St. Basil the Great
Places of Interest
Calle Bartolomé Masó No. 203 e/ Félix Pena y Mariano Corona. Santiago de Cuba
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Havana Model
Places of Interest
Calle 28 e/ 1ra. y 3ra., Miramar. Playa. La Habana
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Customs Building
Places of Interest
Ave. Jesús Menéndez No. 702. Santiago de Cuba
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Historical-Military Park Morro-Cabaña
Places of Interest
Carretera de La Cabaña. La Habana del Este. La Habana
Phone:(53 7) 862-0607 al 09

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Dolores Church
Places of Interest
Calle Mayía Rodríguez No. 453 e/ Aguilera y Heredia. Santiago de Cuba
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House of Count Pedroso
Places of Interest
Calle San Ignacio y Empedrado. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Dolores School
Places of Interest
Calle Mayía Rodríguez No. 451 e/ Aguilera y Heredia. Santiago de Cuba
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House of the Count Casa Barreto
Places of Interest
Calle Oficios No. 362 esq. a Luz. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Hermanos La Salle School
Places of Interest
Calle Heredia No. 102 e/ Félix Pena y Corona. Santiago de Cuba
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House of the Count Casa Lombillo
Places of Interest
Calle San Ignacio No. 364 e/ Teniente Rey y Muralla. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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House of Diego Velázquez
Places of Interest
Calle Félix Pena No. 612 e/ Aguilera y Heredia. Santiago de Cuba
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House of the Count San Juan de Jaruco
Places of Interest
Calle Muralla esq. a San Ignacio. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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House of the Norma Family
Places of Interest
Calle Joaquín Castillo Duany No. 437 e/ Hartman y General Lacret. Santiago de Cuba
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House of the Marquis of Aguas Claras
Places of Interest
Calle San Ignacio No. 54 esq. a Empedrado. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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La Estrella Fortress
Places of Interest
Carretera de Ciudamar km. 8. Santiago de Cuba
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House of the Recio Family
Places of Interest
Calle Obispo e/ Mercaderes y Oficios. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Mansion of the Bosch Family
Places of Interest
Ave. Manduley No. 254 e/ 9 y 11. Santiago de Cuba
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Indian Fountain
Places of Interest
Paseo del Prado y Dragones. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Memorial Park of St. John and Tree of Peace (St. John Hill)
Places of Interest
Ave. Pujols s/n km. 1½. Santiago de Cuba
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Jardín Zoológico de La Habana
Places of Interest
Ave. 26 y Ave. del Zoológico. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana
Phone:(53 7) 881-8915 · 881-8215
Fax:(53 7) 33-5582

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Moncada Barracks
Places of Interest
Calles General Portuondo, Ave. de los Libertadores y Carlos Aponte. Santiago de Cuba
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Lenin Park
Places of Interest
Calle 100 y Cortina de la Presa. Arroyo Naranjo. La Habana
Phone:(53 7) 44-3026 al 28

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Our Lady of the Caridad Church (Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad) (Natural Sanctuary of the Caridad del Cobre)
Places of Interest
Carretera al Cobre. Santiago de Cuba
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Lions Fountain
Places of Interest
Plaza de San Francisco de Asís. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Palace of the Municipal Government
Places of Interest
Calle Aguilera No. 251 e/ General Lacret y Felix Pena. Santiago de Cuba
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Main Lecture Hall and Campus of the University of Havana
Places of Interest
Calle L esq. a San Lázaro, Vedado. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana
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Palacio de Gobierno Provincial
Places of Interest
Calle Aguilera No. 355 e/ Pío Rosado y Hartman. Santiago de Cuba
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Marquis de Arcos’ House
Places of Interest
Calle Mercaderes No. 16 e/ Empedrado y O´Reilly. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Pico Real del Turquino
Places of Interest
Sierra Maestra. Guamá. Santiago de Cuba
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National Aquarium
Places of Interest
Calle 1ra. esq. a 60, Miramar. Playa. La Habana
Phone:(53 7) 203-6401

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Promenade of the Alameda Michaelsen
Places of Interest
Ave. Jesús Menéndez e/ Aguilera y Aduana. Santiago de Cuba
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National Botanic Garden
Places of Interest
Carretera del Rocío km. 3, Calabazar. Arroyo Naranjo. La Habana
Phone:(53 7) 54-4108 · 54-4096 al 97
Fax:(53 7) 54-4184

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Residence of Adela Babun Selma
Places of Interest
Ave. Pujols No. 108 e/ Aguilera y Taíno. Santiago de Cuba
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National Capitol Hill
Places of Interest
Paseo del Prado e/ Dragones y San José. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Residence of Alomá Family
Places of Interest
Calle Félix Pena No. 352 e/ General Portuondo y Máximo Gómez. Santiago de Cuba
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National Zoo
Places of Interest
Carretera de Varona km. 2 ½, Capdevila. Boyeros. La Habana
Phone:(53 7) 44-7613

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Residence of Carmen Brauet de Rosell
Places of Interest
Ave. Manduley No. 104 e/ 3ra. y 5ta. Santiago de Cuba
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Neighborhood No. 1 Camilo Cienfuegos City
Places of Interest
Reparto Camilo Cienfuegos. La Habana del Este. La Habana
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Residence of Guillermo Castellvi
Places of Interest
Ave. Manduley No. 52 e/ 1ra. y 3ra.. Santiago de Cuba
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Neptune Fountain
Places of Interest
Avenida del Puerto. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Residence of Rafael Salcedo de las Cuevas
Places of Interest
Calle Heredia No. 206-210 e/ Hartman y General Lacret. Santiago de Cuba
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Old San Francisco de Sales’ School
Places of Interest
Calle Oficios No. 6 esq. a Obispo. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Residence of the De la Torre Family
Places of Interest
Calle Heredia No. 303 e/ Porfirio Valiente y Pío Rosado. Santiago de Cuba
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Parque Almendares
Places of Interest
Calle 49-B y 47. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana
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Residence of the Gómez Villasana Family
Places of Interest
Calle Bartolomé Masó No. 358 e/ Pío Rosado y Hartman. Santiago de Cuba
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Prado Promenade
Places of Interest
Paseo del Prado. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Residence of the Kindelán Family
Places of Interest
Calle Aguilera No. 468 e/ Mayía Rodríguez y Porfirio Valiente. Santiago de Cuba
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Real Fábrica de Tabacos "La Corona"
Places of Interest
Calle Zulueta No. 106 e/ Refugio y Colón. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Residence of the Learned Antonio Bravo Correoso
Places of Interest
Calle Félix Pena e/ Castillo Duany y Santa Rita. Santiago de Cuba
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Real Fábrica de Tabacos "Partagás"
Places of Interest
Calle Industria No. 520 e/ Dragones y Barcelona. Centro Habana. La Habana
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Residence of the Notó Family
Places of Interest
Calle Pío Rosado No. 358 e/ Máximo Gómez y Juan Bautista Sagarra. Santiago de Cuba
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Remains of the Wall of Havana
Places of Interest
La Habana Vieja. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Residence of the Schueg Family
Places of Interest
Calle Bartolomé Masó No. 354 e/ Pío Rosado y Hartman. Santiago de Cuba
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San Carlos and San Ambrosio Seminary
Places of Interest
Calle San Ignacio No. 5 e/ Empedrado y Tacón. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Residence of the Tejada Brothers
Places of Interest
Calle Heredia No. 304 e/ Porfirio Valiente y Pío Rosado. Santiago de Cuba
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San Carlos de la Cabaña Fort
Places of Interest
Ribera este del canal de entrada a la bahía de La Habana. La Habana del Este. La Habana
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Residence of the Zayas Family
Places of Interest
Calle Heredia No. 266 e/ Pío Rosado y Hartman. Santiago de Cuba
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San Francisco de Paula Church
Places of Interest
Calle Paula No. 9 esq. a San Ignacio. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Royal Bivouac Prison
Places of Interest
Calle Aguilera No. 131 e/ Padre Pico y 10 de Octubre. Santiago de Cuba
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San Lazaro Tower
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Malecón y Marina. Centro Habana. La Habana
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Santa Ifigenia Cemetery
Places of Interest
Ave. Raúl Perozo s/n, Reparto Agüero. Santiago de Cuba
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San Salvador de la Punta Castle
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Ave. del Puerto y Paseo del Prado. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Serrano Building
Places of Interest
Calle José A. Saco No. 208-212 e/ Félix Pena y M. Corona. Santiago de Cuba
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Santa Dorotea de Luna de La Chorrera Fort
Places of Interest
Malecón e/ 18 y 29, Vedado. Plaza de la Revolución. La Habana
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Social Centre of the Spanish Community
Places of Interest
Calle Heredia No. 259 e/ Pío Rosado y Hartman. Santiago de Cuba
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Segundo Cabo Palace
Places of Interest
Calle O´Reilly No. 4 esq. a Tacón. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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St. Jerome Housing Complex
Places of Interest
Calle Sánchez Hechavarría No. 469-471-473-477 e/ Porfirio Valiente y Pío Rosado. Santiago de Cuba
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Terminal de Cruceros
Places of Interest
Ave. San Pedro. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Velázquez´s Balcony
Places of Interest
Calle Corona No. 660 e/ Heredia y Bartolomé Masó. Santiago de Cuba
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The Christ of Havana
Places of Interest
Bahía de La Habana. La Habana del Este. La Habana
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Wooden Architecture in Key Granma (Smith) and the vicinity
Places of Interest
Cayo Granma, bahía de Santiago de Cuba. Santiago de Cuba
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The Great Statue of the Republic
Places of Interest
Capitolio de La Habana, Paseo del Prado y Teniente Rey. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Actualidades Cinema
Places of Interest
Calle Calixto García No. 904-906 e/ Crombet y Emilio Giró. Guantánamo
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The Traditional Malecon of the City of Havana
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Ave. Antonio Maceo. La Habana Vieja. La Habana
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Baptist Church
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Calle Carlos Manuel de Céspedes e/ Aguilera y Crombet. Guantánamo
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Old House of the Marquises of Campo Florido
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Calle 60 No. 4116 esq. a Ave. 45. San Antonio de los Baños. Artemisa
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City Hall
Places of Interest
Calle Los Maceo No. 915 e/ Crombet y Emilio Giró. Guantánamo
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Orquideario de Soroa
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Carretera de Soroa km. 8. Candelaria. Artemisa
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Coffee Plantations
Places of Interest
Yateras. Yateras. Guantánamo
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Destilería de ron "Havana Club"
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Carretera Habana-Matanzas. Santa Cruz del Norte. Mayabeque
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Creagh Palace
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Casisey, San Carlos. Guantánamo
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Palacio de los Orichas (Casa de Freddy)
Places of Interest
Calle 36 e/ 29 y 31. Madruga. Mayabeque
Phone:(53 47) 5-3295

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First Malecon (Seafront) of the Caribbean
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Baracoa. Baracoa. Guantánamo
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Playa Bibijagua
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Costa norte de la Isla de la Juventud. Isla de la Juventud
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Fort La Punta
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Ave. de los Mártires y Calixto García. Baracoa. Guantánamo
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Bellamar Caves
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Carretera Cuevas de Bellamar. Matanzas
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José Martí Park and Church of Santa Catalina de Ricci
Places of Interest
Calles Aguilera, Calixto García, Crombet y Pedro A. Pérez. Guantánamo
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Guama-Laguna del Tesoro (Treasury Lagoon)
Places of Interest
Ciénaga de Zapata. Ciénaga de Zapata. Matanzas
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La Farola Viaduct
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Cajobabo-Baracoa. Baracoa. Guantánamo
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Josone Park
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Calle 1ra. y 56. Cárdenas. Matanzas
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Market Square
Places of Interest
Calle Los Maceo e/ Jesús del Sol y Prado. Guantánamo
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San Severino Castle
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Carretera del Puerto, Zona Franca. Matanzas
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Matachín Fortress
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Calle Martí s/n. Baracoa. Guantánamo
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Sculptural Complex of the Taino-like Village (Guama)
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Laguna del Tesoro. Ciénaga de Zapata. Matanzas
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Residence of Mayor Salas
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Calle Pedro A. Pérez No. 1074 e/ Donato Mármol y Bernabé Varona. Guantánamo
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Seminario Teológico de Matanzas
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Calle 2 de Mayo Final. Matanzas
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Residence of the Martínez Family
Places of Interest
Calle Calixto García No. 656 e/ Paseo y Narciso López. Guantánamo
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Varadero Golf Club
Places of Interest
Carretera Las Américas. Cárdenas. Matanzas
Phone:(53 45) 66-8482
Fax:(53 45) 66-8481

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Residence of the Simon Family
Places of Interest
Calle Martí No. 902 e/ Emilio Giró y Crombet. Guantánamo
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“Tomas Acea” Cemetery
Places of Interest
Ave. 5 de Septiembre No. 8302 e/ 83 y 85. Cienfuegos
Phone:(53 43) 5257

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Spanish Casino
Places of Interest
Calle Pedro A. Pérez No. 860 e/ Aguilera y Crombet. Guantánamo
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Botanic Garden of Cienfuegos
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Ciudad de Cienfuegos. Cienfuegos
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St. Barbara Seboruco Castle
Places of Interest
Calle Calixto García, Reparto Paraíso. Baracoa. Guantánamo
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Cemetery of Reina
Places of Interest
Calle 7ma. e/ Ave. 50 y Ave. 52, Reparto La Reina. Cienfuegos
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The Oldest Building of the City
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Calle Bernabé Varona e/ Moncada y Los Maceo. Guantánamo
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Palacio Ferrer
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Ave. 54 esq. a 25. Cienfuegos
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Town Hall
Places of Interest
Calle Maceo No. 137 e/ Frank País y Pelayo Cuervo. Baracoa. Guantánamo
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Residential Area of Punta Gorda
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Punta Gorda. Cienfuegos
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